Wonderdomes Family Activity

Wonderdomes is an interactive, outdoor activity that invites people all ages and abilities to explore the world of plants, through play and creativity.

Guided by friendly, knowledgeable hosts, visitors choose their own pathways through an open-ended, botanical treasure hunt that includes story-telling, drawing, painting and nature connection. Following your own curiosity and imagination, uncover the astonishing details of local and exotic plants and experience the stories and wisdom of naturalists through the ages.

Wonderdomes is inspired by the life of Victorian botanical artist and plant biologist Marianne North. ‘intrepid explorer’, activist and artist.

Suitable for adults and children and families. Meet at the Castle Reception.

Funded by Heritage Lottery and Dorset Council.

Free to take part, booking before the event is required.



13 Apr 2024


11:00 am - 11:45 am


Durlston Country Park and Nature Reserve


Dorset Council
Dorset Council

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