Heath Week – heathland art competition

Are you a keen artist? Do you care about the heathland, a rare but significant habitat? This Heath Week Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust (ARC) has just the thing!

They’re looking for artists passionate about heathlands and the species that live in them, to create some incredible artwork showcasing why the heaths are so important.

All you need to do is create a piece about the heathland – it can be of the heather itself or some of the other incredible and rare species which inhabit the landscape: sand lizards, smooth snakes, tiger beetles, Dartford warblers and plenty of others!

To be eligible you must be 16+. Your entry must be submitted before the deadline at 6pm on Monday 21st August, but it can be digital art, traditional, abstract or fine art – anything qualifies!

Send your artwork to comms@arc-trust.org by the deadline along with your name, social media link/s (so they can tag you) and a description of what your artwork represents and, importantly, why you feel this precious wilderness needs protecting.

Winners will receive prizes, and their art will be published on the ARC website and in their exclusive member’s magazine, ‘ARC eye’!

First place prize is a voucher for a trip with ARC’s partners over at Naturetrek Wildlife Holidays – the wildlife travel experts.

Second place prize is a year’s membership to ARC – including their brilliant member’s welcome pack!

Click here for all the details and good luck!